Noelia RP
TVM™ Practitioner
TVM™ Pelvic Floor
Noelia studied the human body profoundly due to her degree and Master's degree in Physiotherapy. For many years she approached healing with a very scientific perspective with many different modalities and techniques. But she felt that something was missing. A link between the body and mind with something else that she didn’t still understand.
Over the last ten years, a deeper intuition of truth brought her to come closer to different modalities like meditation and Yoga, but also to experimental-spiritual theater, where her body was able to bring the pain of her traumas to the surface, that it held inside for so long.
At the same time, she had the longing to go beyond and recognized that even embracing this life and fully honoring the body, this couldn’t be the end of it. It was then that Non-Duality, Tantra, and Forgiveness came into her life to guide her path.
However, science was always very present and valued by Noelia. Somatic therapy and the Triple Vagal Method (TVM) appeared in her life to add the missing to her work and personal healing.
She now approaches her healing and her clients’ therapy from different angles, where Physiotherapy and Body Work, TVM, Somatic Healing, and spirituality go hand in hand by acknowledging each of these approaches as a very beautiful instrument for growth.
Noelia practices in Madrid, Spain.
+34 630 26 00 53