Inaiya Ray
TVM™ Practitioner
Inaiya Ray is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, advanced Chi Nei Tsang practitioner and trauma informed Triple Vagal Nerve therapist. She is also the steward of The Living Chalice, an embodied Wisdom School for New Earth Temple Arts.
Her life-long journey of personal and planetary awakening has led her to travel the world while pioneering the inner alchemy of Conscious Evolution and the birthing of a Divine New Humanity. Inaiya draws upon three decades of facilitating Somatic and Integrative Healing Arts that deliver one into greater embodied intimacy with one’s Authentic Self, Source and Divinity.
As an emissary of Gaia Sophia, Inaiya is also an experienced Akashic Intuitive, Energetic Healer and Evolutionary Life Coach. Her intuitive healing touch married with her experience and wisdom, lovingly guide individuals home to relax into their true essence and inherent beauty. Inaiya thrives in serving an international community to become fully embodied and empowered to share their soul gifts as a blessing for all.
Please visit her at: