TVM™ Intensive Training & Retreat May 6th - 20th
Mon, May 06

Time & Location
May 06, 2024, 3:00 PM – May 20, 2024, 11:00 AM
Valencia, Valencia, Spain
About The Event
Time & Location
May 6th, 3:00 PM – May 20th, 12:00 PM
Enguera, Valencia, Spain
Event details
Event official website click here.
Triple Vagal Method® Trauma Informed Somatic Bodywork Online & In-person
Training - Join us for the first ever TVMTM trainings offered in Europe!
TVMTM is returning to Europe!
Europe family, if you have been thinking of training with us for a while or have only just
discovered the magic of TVMTM, now is your chance to undergo a unique and accelerated
training with us to heal your own traumas and become a TVMTM practitioner, all in the
beautiful retreat setting of Casas Benali in Valencia, Spain.
This comprehensive training program offers the ideal combination of flexible self-paced
online learning and immersive hands-on practice and in-person mentorship. Blending the
205 hr online course - consisting of lectures, videos and online assessment - with in-person
training and practice, you will acquire the expertise and experience necessary to share this
transformative healing modality with others.
The in-person intensive training retreat will allow you to put theory into action, apply the
skills you have acquired through the online modules, and receive real-time feedback and
guidance from your experienced instructors. By incorporating practical exercises,
demonstrations, and group discussions, this course ensures that you can integrate your
knowledge at a deeper level and gain confidence in your abilities.
Learn TVMTM with Inner Alchemy Retreats by Pippa and Maddie
Learning the Triple Vagal MethodTM in itself is relatively straightforward. The art form lies in
having the level of self-trust and inner intimacy that you hear the whispers of intuition and
feel confident following in the direction of the innate wisdom that lies in the fabric of your
being. This is how you access the healing energy that is all around to know which part of
your client’s body needs attention and when. This is where Inner Alchemy Retreats come in.
Inner Alchemy Retreats with Maddie and Pippa are thoughtfully designed to give you the
time and space outside of the routines and restrictions of your day-to-day life to create new
rituals, disarm the habits of impulsive reaction created by trauma and shine the light of your
conscious awareness on the deep-seated beliefs and limiting patterns of thought to unlock
the healing power that is already within you.
The training will be held in the beautiful Casas Benali, an authentic Arab hamlet with 68
hectares of land in the green,rustic interior, 1 hour from Valencia (Spain). Its surroundings of
abundant nature, tranquility, animal cuddles, self care and 3 nourishing healthy meals a day will
be the main ingredients for your stay at Benali.
This is the perfect environment to immerse yourself into the space and recalibrate the
nervous system as you feel the transformational effects of this powerful healing modality.
In order to take part in the TVMTM Valencia Training Retreat, participants will be required to
complete the first two modules of the online training prior to the training retreat. You will then
enter an intensive trauma healing container where you will receive live instruction and
guidance from experienced TVMTM Educators on theory and application of the Triple Vagal
MethodTM. You will have the opportunity to practice TVMTM every day and will both give and
receive sessions, making this a powerful healing opportunity on your own healing journey.
Overview - Why TVMTM?
The Triple Vagal Method® (TVMTM) is a revolutionary somatic approach to releasing trauma
from the body by inducing a therapeutic level of oxytocin, breaking down calcification of the
fascia, and regulating the nervous system to build resilience. TVMTM is a modality that gives
you measurable physical results and psychological results faster than anything out there.
Working directly, safely and efficiently with the nervous system, TVMTM uses the intelligence
of your body and its innate desire to optimally restore itself; releasing stress and trauma
from the body & mind.
Trauma healing and building vagal tone supports a thriving human experience in virtually
every way, everything from healthier bodies, stronger immune systems, less stress,
capacity to make better decisions & a larger cognitive capacity to name a few. In fact, many
may say it is the foundational prelude to absolutely every other successful & thriving
experience or condition an individual can have. This training lays down the foundations of
trauma & trauma healing through what may be the most effective bottom up approach;
In-person practical training curriculum.
This curriculum has been designed to build on the foundational elements learned in modules
one a two of the online training, giving you an embodied understanding of the Triple Vagal
Method and its potency in healing trauma safely and effectively, before you do a deeper dive
into the more complex theory in the later online modules. Each morning there will be an optional
guided inner intimacy practice to help you cultivate your relationship with the consciousness
within, empowering you to become a more embodied practitioner. There will be optional evening
activities provided on some of the nights, such as sound healing and singing circles.
First pre-training call - 3rd week of April
- Introductions
- Sharing
- Q&A related to Module 1 of the online training
Second pre-training call - last week of April
- Check in and sharing
- Q&A related to Module 2 of the online training
- Introduction to fascia & how trauma is stored in the body
Day 1
- Arrival
- Orientation talk
- Introductions and ice breaker exercise
- Practice connecting to the consciousness within
- Opening ceremony
Day 2
- How to touch the body
- Bedside manner
- Tuning into the nervous system
- Practicing consent
- Introduction to the wall
- Practical introduction to TVMTM - Points 1-5
- Practice
- Introduction to the entire front body
- Practice TVMTM all the front body
- Practice all front and back body points
Day 3
- Intro to trauma healing and resistance
- Introduction to oxytocin
- Oxytocin / addiction protocol
- Practice the addiction protocol
- Full TVMTM practice session
Day 4
- Introduction to fascia lines and stacking
- Practice stacking and oxytocin protocol
- Full TVMTM practice session
Day 5
- Introduction to history of somatics
- Principles of Chi Nie Tsang and introduction to the organ layer
- Practice organ layer massage
- Childhood trauma release exercise
Day 6
- Body Reading - Visual Assessments / Visual somatic body readings
- Practice creating a strategy based on body reading / intake form
- Full TVMTM practice session
- Final Q&A
- Closing ceremony
Day 7
- Final inner intimacy
- Breakfast and goodbyes
This is a sample schedule, exact flow may vary however this is the content that will be covered.
Following on from the retreat, you will be required to complete the remaining modules of the
online training and 16 practice sessions in order to achieve certification. There will be
ongoing support calls from Pippa, Maddie and/or Maj every fortnight for 3 months after the
training, giving you the chance to deepen your connection with your fellow trainees and lean
into the expert guidance of your dedicated team of TVMTM educators.
By immersing yourself in this transformative learning experience, you will foster a greater
understanding of trauma and its somatic manifestations, and gain hands-on experience of
using the tools of TVMTM to release trauma from the body, empowering you to support
others on their healing journey.
The online training curriculum can be found below.
Online training curriculum
The syllabus was designed to be a robust and comprehensive framework to introduce key
concepts in bottom up somatic therapy and becoming a licensed TVMTM Practitioner.
TVMTM is a science backed, results based approach to healing the nervous system &
building vagal tone. By signing up to this training, you will gain lifetime access to this online
training so that you can learn at your own pace and revisit the content as often as you like.
Modules & Units
Module 1: Introductions & Welcome!
● Ice breaker & introductions
● Introduction to TVMTM Practitioner Training
● How to utilize trauma informed adult education
● What is trauma informed therapy
● Intro to TVMTM
● Ethics in therapeutic settings & relationships
Module 2: Somatics & Polyvagal Theory
● Intro to somatic therapy, bottom up approaches & psychology of the body
● Intro to trauma from a body perspective
● Working with the body
● TVMTM : Why fascia? Why oxytocin?
● Intro to somatic Chinese medicine & Chi Nei Tsang1 (theory)
● Understanding polyvagal theory within a TVMTM framework
Module 3: The Human Body
● The bodily anatomy of trauma
● Intro to basic anatomy
● Understanding Oxytocin & other hormones
● Intro to neuroscience, genetics and traumas impact on health & wellbeing
● Visual somatic body readings
● How to touch the body
Module 4: TVMTM Applications
● How to conduct a TVMTM session
● How to conduct an online/ hands off TVMTM session
● Intro to somatic Chinese medicine & Chi Nei Tsang 2 (practical)
Module 5: Psychology of Trauma & Behavior
● Key psychological theories around trauma
● Early years & Childhood trauma
● System interruption & emergency measures
● Intro to Gestalt therapy
● Trauma & addiction, TVMTM adaptions
Module 6: Biohacking & Setting Up a Therapeutic Practice
● How to set up a trauma informed therapy practice
● Trauma healing & supportive epigenetic bio hacking protocols
Who is this training retreat suitable for?
-Anyone who is interested in healing and transforming trauma!
-All levels of practitioners, somatic therapists and bodyworkers!
-This training is also a personal healing and transformative retreat!
- Maturity and compassion, as this is trauma-focused work
- Commitment to personal development
All prices include a certification of completion, TVMTM teachings, lifetime access to TVMTM
online training, capacity to be listed on the institutes website as a certified practitioner of the
modality after completion of assessment, capacity to become an affiliate with a certain code
to earn referral commissions for trainings, capacity to co-host trainings with the institute
after competition of advanced training. LIMITED SPACES.
Payment plan available upon request.
Financial assistance available upon request.
Retreat information
Prices do not include travel expenses, accommodations, meals or any other external
expenses outside the course format. Accommodation and 3 meals per day are
provided by the dedicated team at Casas Benali. There are accommodation options
to cater for a variety of preferences.
The training will be held in the beautiful Enguera, Valencia, Spain. 7 years ago Daniel and
Martine, fell in love with Casas Benali. Due to the remote location, there was no electricity
network, which challenged us to live off the grid.
Fortunately there was a water source. They also did not shy away from the immense terrain
with, among other things, 2000 ecological olive trees, fruit and walnut trees and the care
We believe this is the perfect environment to immerse yourself in nature, allow yourself to be
nourished with 3 delicious meals provided each day, and recalibrate the nervous system as you
feel the transformational effects of this powerful healing modality.
Meet your facilitators
Dr Majda Zachari - Founder & Lead Online Educator
Maj is the founder & director of the Integrated Somatic Institute and the intellectual developer &
owner of the Triple Vagal Method® (TVMTM). With the online course you will have access to 205
hours of recordings of her classes and teachings on the theory behind the Triple Vagal Method and
its application. She will also be digitally dialing in throughout the in-person training retreat to provide
expert insight and give the opportunity for participants to directly ask any questions about their
learnings to the founder of the modality.
A highly compassionate therapist and international educator in the fields of PsychoSomatics &
Healing. She has studied with institutes like SOAS; University of London, University of Hull &
Bellevue University. She also holds numerous certifications and trainings from Stanford
University and the Gestalt Institute, and has studied ancient healing methods in bodywork,
meditation, tantra, silent retreats and embraced various spiritual practices.
Her main passion has always been to find a way to effectively heal her own traumas,
alongside her clients. She had suffered with CPTSD, depression and other personal crises
like a failed first marriage and seeing her two children (Jacob & Jenna) suffer due to
inheriting generational trauma that made her passionate about dedicating her life to the path
of true and sustainable trauma healing. The desire to feel true liberation & inner peace
inspired her to fuse eastern holistic modalities with neuroscience theory & bottom up
psychology. As a result of extensive studies, countless trainings and years of practice in her
therapy center; the Triple Vagal Method® was born.
In her teaching and counseling, she integrates over 20 years of experience in psychology,
spiritual practices, leading healing & educational trainings and retreats into a powerful
cauldron for rapid transformation. Her mode of delivery combines humor & light
heartedness to easily shift the harder blocks smoothly. She consistently gets 5 star reviews
in her trainings feedback.
Pippa Downs - Lead Retreat Educator
Pippa is a passionate and empathic educator who brings insight from her career in
mental health, somatic healing and adult education to provide powerful healing and
learning experiences for those who choose to engage with this beautiful modality. She
will be Lead Educator for the in-person training, calling on her experience leading adults
through transformational educational experiences to deliver serious content with an
open heart and light hearted sense of play.
They say that we grow up to be the hero our inner child needed and in my case that’s
definitely true. I had a difficult and traumatic childhood after losing my father at a young age
and in finding my way through the pain, I felt called to use the skills and experience I
developed on my own healing journey to help others. This manifested itself in a varied
career working in social services with disadvantaged children, refugees, homeless people &
people with mental illnesses. I loved the work but seeing friends, family and clients
struggling with persistent complaints, I always felt that there must be a missing piece that
would make true healing possible without the years of therapy, treatments and medications.
I took the decision to travel to Mexico on my own journey of healing and first received a
TVMTM session in the mountains of Oaxaca, instantly feeling my whole body light up as it
was finally being met, held and understood. This soon led to me training as a TVMTM
Practitioner and going on to complete the TVMTM Pelvic Floor training, TVMTM Advanced
Practitioner, TVMTM Educator and TVMTM Pelvic Floor Educator training. I have spent more
than 500 hours studying and training with Dr. Maj Zachari and am super excited to pass on
the skills and knowledge I’ve learned with this incredible modality.
TVMTM has completely changed my life: I have experienced a personal and professional
uplevelling that I could never have dreamed of. I discovered the missing piece of the puzzle
to recovering from trauma with TVMTM somatic therapy and I'm honoured to be teaching this
medicine so that you can help yourself and others heal as well.
Madison Brown - Lead Retreat Educator
Maddie has always been deeply fascinated by the human mind and how it functions, and after
studying psychology and embarking on an eight-year self-study journey, she found both what
she was looking for and so much more than she could have ever dreamed. A mind that no
longer governs her, a body to which she is intuitively attached, an endless love for life, a
nourishing love for herself, and an abundance and fulfillment in each blessing of each moment.
Hwr awareness, clarity, focus, and motivation are all rapidly increasing, she is better equipped to
realize my objectives and dreams every day, and my relationships and intimacy with life are
fulfilling and priceless. Her enthusiasm and excitement flow out from her, and when her
emotions wash through her like clouds, she is in a good amount control of how she responds.
Her mind no longer attacks her with the kinds of stories it formerly did. She is deeply grateful for
life and everything it has to offer; she now understands her purpose and is living her best life.
Maddie has reached a spacious place within herself and have a magnificent tool belt of gifts to
share with others as a ceremonialist facilitator, reiki master, and student of yoga, meditation,
and trauma therapy. She had a deep calling to learn TVM, which I listened to instinctively and
followed. Ever since, everything has been clear to her. The best present she could have given
herself was a calm nervous system, which she can now graciously share in co regulating with
others. Practicing TVM is like returning to your true self. She firmly believes that enlightenment
means having a balanced nervous system and a mind devoid of the stories and traumas kept in
the body. She supports and teaches this technique because she truly believe in its
effectiveness; you can only contribute in moving toward a brighter life going forward.
Inner Alchemy retreats with Maddie and Pippa.
Our mission is to help you discover the truest expression of your authentic self, behind the
layers of compensation your body and mind has cleverly built up to protect you from trauma.
With these untruths and defence mechanisms lovingly questioned, examined and disarmed.
Inner Alchemy Retreats are a powerful blend of the approaches of Maddie and Pippa,
This 4 month training is made up of a self-paced online learning programme plus a 2 week
in-person retreat to consolidate the skills you’ve learned and give an embodied
understanding of the modality.
The hundreds of registered TVM Practitioners that are changing lives all around the world
are proof that you don’t have to be in therapy for years to heal and it's also entirely possible
to activate your healing capacity and become a somatic therapist in a matter of weeks.
Learning the Triple Vagal Method in itself is relatively straightforward.
The art form lies in having the level of trust and inner intimacy with the self that you hear the
whispers of your intuition and feel confident following in the direction of the innate wisdom
that lies in the fabric of your being which knows which part of your client’s body needs
attention and when. This is where Inner Alchemy Retreats come in.
Inner Alchemy Retreats with Maddie and Pippa are thoughtfully designed to give you the
time and space outside of the routines and habits of your day to day life to create new
rituals, disarm the protective layers of impulsive reaction created by trauma and shine the
light of your conscious awareness on the motivations and root causes of limiting patterns of
thought and action.
Inner Alchemy retreats are deeply profound experiences aimed at facilitating rapid
rehabilitation of the nervous system, deep inner intimacy and connection to self, source,
community and your higher calling. This deepened capacity for self-enquiry.
Where you can examine the motivations and root causes behind potentially limiting believes
you may be carrying that are holding you back from reaching your greatest potential in this
Early Bird
(needs to be paid in ful by the 24th of Feb, 2024)
€5,000.00+€125.00 service feeSale endedRegular
€5,500.00+€137.50 service feeSale ended